Twilight Eclipse Trailer & More

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

New 'Eclipse' Trailer!!!

Check out the new trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which aired this morning on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

As a string of mysterious killings grips Seattle, Bella (Kristen Stewart), whose high school graduation is fast approaching, is forced to choose between her love for vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) and her friendship with werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner).

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse opens nationwide on June 30th.

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Two fan-made Eclipse posters !

thanks :

I think Fan made's Poster beautiful than real (:

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Twilight Eclipse Full Trailer

The full trailer of Eclipse has shown up online as promised by Summit Entertainment:


Eclipse Trailer

Here you can watch all the official eclipse movie trailers available for Twilight Saga: eclipse is unofficial trailers. Eclipse is the third installment in one of four official Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Eclipse Twilight track is directed by Catherine Hardwicke. New Moon and directed by Chris Weitz.

Eclipse Trailer 1

Eclipse Trailer 2

Eclipse Trailer 3

Full Size and HQ Screencaps From the ‘Eclipse’ Trailer!

Best Screencaps from the trailer out today eclipse full size and transportation! A love them!

The Reelz Channel’s Scene-By-Scene Review of the ‘Eclipse’ Trailer

The Reelz Channel has given their scene-by-scene review of the newly released (and first official) Eclipse trailer that we all first saw this morning! They talk about everything from Bryce as Victoria, to that shiny thing on Bella’s finger -

Eclipse teaser trailer opens with the dark and brooding, the Summit logo on our relationship with the official movie logo appears at the end. See less eclipse peeping over the hills Summit? Wise. And ominous.

Fifteen seconds after a sweeping view of the landscape Forks, Bella and Edward seems situated in a beautiful meadow. Robert Pattinson Edward narration states "Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment, forever." Cue swooning fangirls best in deep, velvety voice.

Zhang, close-up of lovebirds, while standing in the grass that held together as if the world is to end. (Well it is not dirty or not vampires in the way of them). Bella seems to put her money. shiny engagement ring and wristband of Edward Cullen Crest is now. It's like the New His n 'hers style Twilight,.

Remember those badass vampires we mentioned? Well, here they are. Say hello to the Volturi — Italy’s finest.

Volturi Jane lost no time telling what Bella and Edward think. "She's still human. Volturi not give a second chance." No matter what Caius said in New Moon? I think more than duplicate Volturi are, they are seen to threaten. And threats. Soon Edward - Escape!

They don’t run — that’s not the vampire way. Instead, they stand there looking pensive. With Edward’s funny, flat hair and uber-pale skin. Has Rob Pattinson’s self-styling ways rubbed off on his super-smooth alter-ego?